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“诗画江南 活力浙江”全球短视频大赛

2022-8-9 09:31| 发布者: admin| 查看: 895| 评论: 0|来自: 浙江日报海外版

摘要: 【#诗画江南活力浙江#全球短视频大赛来了!】今年6月, “诗画江南 活力浙江”浙江省域品牌词正式官宣。即日起,#浙江百万奖金征集省域形象短视频#。据悉,本次大赛特等奖奖金为100万元,专业组一等奖为30万元,等你 ...

“诗画江南 活力浙江”全球短视频大赛

Short videos wanted: Entries for dynamic Zhejiang 

看见“诗画江南”,发现“活力浙江”,无论你身在浙江,还是心念浙江,施展才华的机会来了!新华社等中央主要媒体海外传播矩阵及中国·浙江英文网、印象浙江英文网、浙江英语电视传播窗口(ZTV NEWS)、中国蓝国际融媒矩阵、天目新闻客户端英语频道等平台,邀请全球网友,一起创作短视频,和好友分享你眼中的浙江。

Zhejiang,a dynamic and beautiful province in East China, is looking for entries of short videos through launching the “Picturesque and Dynamic Zhejiang” Global Short Video Contest! Whether you are in Zhejiang or in other parts of the world, it’s time to show your talent and tell the world about your stories on Zhejiang. 

The winners’ submission will be broadcast through major media communication matrix in Zhejiang and China, and we invited friends from all over the world to share their impressions of Zhejiang. 



I. Eligibility

The contest is open to netizens from all over the world. Entrants can join the contest by posting your video (the “Entry”) on TikTokand adding the hashtag #PicturesqueAndDynamicZhejiang.



1. Entry Period:

   Till September 20th, 2022



2. How to enter:

Post your video on TikTok , and include the hashtag #PicturesqueAndDynamicZhejiang.


If you are living in China, you can  log into the website http://dynamiczj.cztv.com, fill in the registration form and video release link, and upload the original video.

参赛作品还可以超大附件形式或网盘(百度/Google Drive)链接与密码形式发送至邮箱: meilizhejiang@qq.com(邮件标题请注明“作者—作品名称—联系电话”,作品正文注明作品信息)。

You can also choose to send your entry to meilizhejiang@qq.com in the form of an attachment or disk (Baidu /Google Drive) link. Please send your mail with the subject line in the format of “Author-Name of the Entry-Contact Number”, and specify the details of your entry in the body.


There is no requirement for the language of the video entries. For videos in languages other than English or Chinese, English/Chinese dubbing or subtitles are required.


Entries should be based on real-life stories reflecting Zhejiang-related themes and elements. Any pornographic, violent, racially discriminating, or other inappropriate content is strictly prohibited. Advertising of any kind is not allowed. 


Entries must be original, and exclusively owned by you. Please make sure that you have acquired all necessary rights, permits and licenses for the usage of picture, music and font, and have obtained the permission or image rights from those featured in your entry. Submission of the entries means that you have authorized the organizing committee to use them for future promotion, broadcasting, or exhibition. For entries that have won the Special Prize, Best Dissemination Award and First Prize, the copyright and rights of dissemination will be automatically transferred to the organizer. For other award-winning entries, the rights of dissemination and alteration of those entries will be automatically transferred to the organizer. Relevant authorization agreements will be signed when necessary.


For entries competing in the Professional Group, the resolution shall be 1280*720 or above, in the format of MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV or MP4. 



II. Prize

Entries are divided into two groups: Professional Group and Public Group. The Best Dissemination Awards have been specially set up to promote the global influence of the contest.



1. Special Prize (1)

The award is given based on the entry’ artistic values, creativity, and the effect of dissemination during the exhibition of all the submissions.


RMB 1,000,000 yuan (before tax, the same below)




2. Awards for Professional Group (14)

The length of the entry should be no more than 7 minutes. Awards are given based primarily on the creativity and the professionalism of the entry; dissemination data of the entry during the exhibition of all the submissions will also be considered. 

There will be 1 First Prize, 3 Second Prizes and 10 Third Prizes. The prize-winning entry can be a single video or a video series. If the entry is a series of videos, it is considered as one entry in the contest.

First Prize: RMB 300,000 yuan

Second Prize: RMB 80,000 yuan

Third Prize: RMB 20,000 yuan




3. Awards for Public Group (15)

The length of the entry should be no more than 2 minutes. The awards are given based on the creativity and the dissemination data of the entry. There will be 1 First Prize, 4 Second Prizes, and 10 Third Prizes. The prize-winning entry can be a single video or a video series. If the entry is a series of videos, it is considered as one entry in the contest.

First Prize: RMB 150,000 yuan

Second Prize: RMB 50,000 yuan

Third Prize: RMB 20,000 yuan



4. Best Dissemination Awards (2):

The awards are given based on the overall statistical data of the entry on related platforms. There will be two awards in this category: Best (Internet) Dissemination Award and Best (Overseas) Dissemination Award. The Best Dissemination Awards and the Special Prize will not be awarded to the same entry. 

Prize: RMB 200,000 yuan


5. All entrants, both organizations and individuals, can compete to win the above-mentioned awards and certificates. The award-winning entries will have the opportunities to be shown and broadcast on China’s mainstream media platforms.


Join us to explore the beauty and dynamism of Zhejiang together!

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